Charitable Purposes
To become a charity, or as we are, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO - a charity for much smaller organisations, with less paperwork) we must demonstrate that our whole purpose is to fulfill our stated roles - which must be charitable, in nature. Below you can read what we were formed to achieve.
CCSC Charitable Purposes
This paragraph explains what we are meant to be doing in pursuit of our aims. The text has been directly copied from our 'constitution' , Section 4 - Cowal Combined Services Club 'Purposes':
To advance community development by promoting issues and concerns that effect the veteran community at a local level with local partners, local authority and Health partners by engagement at various forums and to provide a voice for these problems and concerns and to improve access to services for veterans (and their families) in order to reduce social isolation.
To organise recreational activities in a supportive environment to bring veterans (and their families) together to socialise, discuss issues, raise concerns and make friends; aiding self-esteem and confidence and reducing social isolation and loneliness.
To relieve the needs of local veterans’ (and their families) due to age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage, where we are able, or to act as a conduit to engage with professional help’
Membership is open to any individual aged 18 or over who are serving or veterans of the United Kingdom Armed Forces, their spouses and/or widows/widowers and those veterans of her Allies that reside within Argyll & Bute Authority area.
Any person who wishes to become a member must sign a written application for membership, which will be sent to you; if you use the contact form and lodge this with the organisation along with a remittance to meet the annual membership subscription; the application will then be considered by the board at its next board meeting.